Happy Birthday, Mr. President! An Online Photo Mosaic Tribute to Jimmy Carter

We’re excited to share a remarkable collaboration with The Carter Center in making President Jimmy Carter’s 99th birthday an unforgettable celebration. Together, we’ve launched an online interactive photo mosaic inviting people from around the world to join us in commemorating this significant milestone. The response has been huge, with birthday wishes pouring in from Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, Larry David, President Bill Clinton, and many more.

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Barclays Center 10 Year Anniversary Interactive Mosaic

Picture this: thousands of fans coming together to create a huge work of art that will live on forever. That’s exactly how Brooklyn’s Barclays Center celebrated a decade of unforgettable moments at their arena. It’s an interactive mosaic like no other, and we’re happy to be part of it!
  • Group admiring the backlit mosaic mural

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World Autism Month Donation Mosaic

April is World Autism Month, so Autism Speaks is asking everyone to make a pledge and add their photo to the World Autism Month Donation Mosaic. Donating, getting involved, fundraising and wearing blue are all ways we can pledge to the Autism Speaks cause.
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Event Engagement 101: Live Virtual Mosaics

Whether it’s in-person or virtual, engaging your audience is the key to every successful event. Companies and organizations are always looking to grab the attention of their guests, but what’s the key to creating a memorable event? Our Live Virtual Mosaic platform is the perfect event engagement tool to capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged. Seamlessly integrate the mosaic with any event platform (HopIn, Snapbar, Bevy, 6CONNEX, etc.) to elevate your event into a more engaging experience.

Live Virtual Photo Mosaics - The perfect event engagement tool

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NEW! Do It Yourself Virtual Mosaic

Looking to create your own virtual mosaic? Picture Mosaics has expanded the Online Mosaic Tool to allow users to create their own embeddable virtual mosaic. Starting at just $0, users can add à la carte features to customize their virtual mosaic event and meet any budget. Continue reading