Happy Birthday, Mr. President! An Online Photo Mosaic Tribute to Jimmy Carter

We’re excited to share a remarkable collaboration with The Carter Center in making President Jimmy Carter’s 99th birthday an unforgettable celebration. Together, we’ve launched an online interactive photo mosaic inviting people from around the world to join us in commemorating this significant milestone. The response has been huge, with birthday wishes pouring in from Martin Sheen, Jane Fonda, Larry David, President Bill Clinton, and many more.

How does it work? Fans and admirers of President Carter can send their birthday wishes in the form of a photo or video submission or through Twitter/X and Instagram using #JimmyCarter99. Our advanced photo mosaic technology instantly analyzes the colors and shapes of each submission to find the optimal spot in the mosaic. With more than 19,500 submissions from 100+ nations, these heartfelt messages create a captivating photo mosaic, like a giant puzzle made of heartfelt messages!

An up-close shot of Martin Sheen's birthday wish in the online mosaic for President Jimmy Carter's 99th birthdayThis interactive photo mosaic is a unique way of honoring a great person who has done so much for the world. President Carter has worked for peace, fairness, and understanding between countries. He’s an inspiration to many, and this photo mosaic is a way of saying thank you. It’s inspiring to see how amazing things can happen when people from all over the world connect using technology. No matter where you’re from, you can join in for a chance to be part of something really special.

We invite you to be part of this global celebration of President Jimmy Carter’s 99th birthday. As this photo mosaic comes together, it becomes a symbol of unity, caring, and community. Happy 99th birthday, President Carter!