Purchase Software

SketchBot Software
Learn more at SketchBot.com

  • 1 Sketchbot software license
  • 1 SketchBot platform and base
  • iPad SketchBot portrait capture app (unlimited usage)
  • Starter 4”x6” paper and pens
  • Support for unlimited Bots (connecting more than 5 requires additional hardware)
  • Access to Sharing Portal for easy guest sharing and branding via text or email
  • Full support to get you up and running, along with continued support
  • Access to software updates* to make SketchBots smarter, faster, more accurate, and more fun
  • Access to training guides and tutorial videos
  • Unbranded marketing material (stills & video)

Select Your Base & Platform

One base and platform is included with your purchase.

To understand the differences between the two platform types, watch this video.
SketchBot Base
Nano Tape Platform
Platform only
Base Color
Platform Color
SketchBot Base
Spring-loaded Platform
Platform only
Base Color
Platform Color
Spring-loaded platform is patent pending
Lead time: approximately 2 weeks